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  • I do not have weed in my freezer

    I’m not into that, but I am into fresh herbs. This simple concoction of Italian parsley, thyme, rosemary (and garlic) makes everything taste like you care – hooray! Chop them finely, strain the parsley with cheesecloth, add salt and pepper and bread crumbs to keep it from getting soggy.  Done. Prepping…

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  • The only time finding money is bad

    The only time finding money is bad

    Laundry is peaceful for me.  There’s an unspoken satisfaction in it – a loving task for my family.  Clean clothes are hung in the appropriate…

  • How to be a superhero in one day

    How to be a superhero in one day

    Raise your hand if this has happened to you: You know a birthday is coming up. You intend to send a card. The birthday comes…

  • When did feminism get so dumb?

    What’s up with all the man-hating on the internet these days?  Sure some men are fantastic assholes, but there are a lot of women assholes,…

  • Questions People Never Ask

    Questions People Never Ask

    There are technically 100, but I reduced them to 60, which is clearly plenty of information… Do you sleep with your closet doors open or…